martes, 21 de noviembre de 2006


Black metal can display, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:

> Fast guitars with alternate or tremolo picking
> Standard tuned guitars (In contrast to death metal which is typically tuned down.)
> Relatively thin guitar sound or relatively thick guitar sound—usually not in the middle

> Double bass, blast beat, and D-beat drumming
> Fast, repetitive, aggressive drums, often with blast beats. At other times, the drums can take a slower role usually accompanied by a very dry and empty tone — especially for the effect of the atmosphere of the music. On occasion, some groups such as Burzum and Xasthur will dispense with drums altogether in certain song segments.

Lyrics and vocals
A distinct "rasped" vocal style, a very guttural rasp, which is reminiscent of a torture. This is basically standard in every black metal, though there are exceptions, such as Primordial, who are still classed black metal without the rasp vocal. Some bands, particularly symphonic black metal bands bands, incorporate clean vocals, usually of a male choir sound, though this is used for atmospheric purposes.
Lyrics that often take the form of Satanic, Pagan, or occult themes which blaspheme Christianity.
Lyrics that celebrate the cold, darkness, forests, and other natural surroundings of northern European countries, reflecting modern black metal's origins in Scandinavia and desolation, sometimes apocalyptic, whose causes are rooted in human nature and actions. However, there are some exceptions (although they usually incorporate these previous themes as well).
Lyrics are commonly inspired by fantasy, in particular the works of Tolkien set in Middle Earth. For example, the Austrian band Summoning focuses almost exclusively on Middle Earth for their themes and content. Other bands create their own fictional realms, for instance the lyrics of Immortal depict an imaginary kingdom called Blashyrkh (Blash-eerk), which is ruled by a raven king named Ravendark.

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